. The primers covered by this specification should be purchasedby volume as a kit. Each kit shall consist of Component A (base) and Component B(activator) packaged in separate containers to produce admixed coatings of the kitsizes stated below (see 3. 4) . Kit size Part Number Designation...
别名:PT-500GIC EPOXY PRIMER 品牌:PTI 分子式:PT-500GIC EPOXY PRIMER 耐水性:1 颜色:可选 PT-500GIC EPOXY PRIMER Part Number:PT-500KIC2 TYI CL. C2 Military Specification:MIL-PRF-23377 Rev. F, G, H, J & K TY. I, CL. 2. -- NAVY QPD (QUALIFIED PRODUCTS DATABASE) ...
MIL-PRF-23377K Type 1 Class C2 双组份环氧底漆is a two component highsolids yellow epoxy primer with a maximum VOC of 2.8lbs/gallon. This two component VOC compliant, yellow epoxy polyamide primermeets MIL-PRF-23377 K , Type 1, Class C2 composition andperformance specification. This product ...
美国海军标准油漆。 适用范围 This specification covers corrosion inhibiting, chemical and solvent resistant, solvent-borne, high-solids epoxy primer coatings that have a maximum volatile organic compound (VOC) content of 340 grams per liter (g/L)(2.8 pounds per gallon [lb/gal])....
MIL-PRF-13830B美军标英文版 热度: NOTMEASUREMENTENSITIVE MIL-PRF-23377K7June2012 SUPERSEDINGMIL-PRF-23377JW/AMENDMENT210April2007 PERFORMANCESPECIFICATION PRIMERCOATINGS:EPOXY,HIGH-SOLIDS ThisspecificationisapprovedforusebyallDepartmentsandAgenciesoftheDepartmentofDefense. ...
MIL-PRF-23377H分析和总结分析和总结.pdf,Downloaded from on 2010-04-15T5:39:51. NOT MEASUREMENT SENSITIVE MIL-PRF-23377H 30 April 2002 SUPERSEDING MIL-PRF-23377G 30 September 1999 PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATION PRIMER COATINGS: EPOXY, HIGH-SOLIDS This specifica
MIL-PRF-23377K 环氧底漆Type 1 Class C2 is a two component high solids yellow epoxy primer with a maximum VOC of 2.8 lbs/gallon. This two component VOC compliant, yellow epoxy polyamide primer meets MIL-PRF-23377 K , Type 1, Class C2 composition and performance specification. This product ...
The document identifier on subsequent pages hasnot been changed, but vill be changed the next time thisdocumenr is revised.FzREl141L-PRF-23377G30 SEPT~SUPERSEDINGMIL-P-23377F5 MAY 1989PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONPMMSR COATINGS: Epox-f. HIGH-SOLIDSThis specification is approved for use by all ...
Cleaners & Strippers Aviation Eldorado Desothane Paints Clearcoats Primers MIL-PRF-23377 MIL-PRF-23377J MIL-PRF-85285 MIL-PRF-22750 MIL-PRF-22750F Pacific Western Paints Ltd. carries a complete line of high quality products for all of your areospace MIL-
MIL-PRF-23377G MIL-PRF-23377H MIL-PRF-23377 A two component, low VOC, epoxy-polyamide primer. - Type I, Class C: Yellow - Type II, Class C: Dark Green MIL-PRF-23377J Corrrosion inhibiting, chemical and solvent resistant, solvent-borne, high-solids epoxy primer coating. - Type I: ...