• VPN Solutions (PPTP, SSTP, L2TP, Wireguard, Zerotier, GRE, IPIP, EOIP, IPSEC) • QOS As an educator, I run my own online school My Network Training and have published 75 courses on Udemy, reaching over 80,000 students. Many of these courses are highly rated and best-selling...
Load Balancing - Failover, Bandwidth Management, Quality of Service (QoS) using Simple Queues and/or Queue Trees, Hotspot, Wireless, Tunnels and VPN (PPtP, L2TP, SSTP, IPSec, EoIP PPPoE), CAPsMAN,Firewall, Mangle, NAT, On-Site and Remote Support/Installation, Remote monitoring with DUDE, ...
https://rosjb.github.io/2016/11/08/PPTPL2TPIPSecOpenVPN%E5%92%8CSSTP%E7%9A%84%E5%8C%BA%E5%88%AB/ VPN (虚拟专用网)发展至今已经不在是一个单纯的经过加密的访问隧道,它已经融合了访问控制、传输管理、加密、路由选择、可用性管理等多种功能,并在全球的信息安全体
MikroTik RouterOS V5 中文教程精编.pdf,MikroTik RouterOS 中文教程 RouterOS 中文教程 前言 很多人认为 RouterOS 是美国人开发,其实这套软件来至东欧的小国家拉脱维亚,公司名称是 MikroTik (Mikrotikls SIA),官方网站是(/www.RouterOS.com)。最初 MikroTik 开发 R
• VPN Solutions (PPTP, SSTP, L2TP, Wireguard, Zerotier, GRE, IPIP, EOIP, IPSEC) • QOS As an educator, I run my own online school My Network Training and have published 75 courses on Udemy, reaching over 80,000 students. Many of these courses are highly rated and best-selling...
How to setup default gateway in a DHCP client. The default gateway will be the Ip address of the server that has RRAS installed, hence routing cabalities. How to setup NTP service in server 2012 R2 to synch with an external NTP server How to setup Remote Desktop to run over VPN only ...
VPN 的几种应用方式 第二十一章 Open VPN 262 OVPN 配置 OVPN bridge 模式 第二十二章 SSTP 273 端到服务器连接 点对点的 SSTP 第二十三章 EoIP 隧道 279 EoIP 配置 EoIP 应用事例 第二十四章 IPSec 配置 284 IPSec 配置实例 Windows L2TP/IPsec 连接 第二十五章 Bonding 302 基于 2 个 EoIP 隧道的 ...