ethernet switchset 0 l3-hw-offloading=yes qos-hw-offloading=yes/interface listadd name=WANadd ...
3.4.1. Lite 8 PoE 采用 重点来了,我在前面设置 RB5009UG+S+IN 的 ether2、ether3 是 VLAN1812,所以将电脑和 Lite 8 PoE 前 4 接口任意一口分别直连这两个接口,此时 Unifi Network 上应该会出现该交换机,单击采用。 等待Lite 8 PoE 进入 Online 状态。 3.4.2. 网络新建 导航到网络,单击虚拟网络右侧新建。
Further in configuration, theWANinterface is now thepppoe-out1interface, notether1. Verify Connectivity Once the configuration is complete, you should be able to access the internet from the router.To verify IP connectivity, try pinging a known IP address, such as a Google DNS server. ...
可通过enable ether1enable ether1命令启用命令启用 adminMikroTik /interface enable ether1enable ether1设定“ether1”为外网网卡命名为wan,“ether2”为内网网卡命名lanadminMikroTik /interface set ether1 name=wanset ether1 name=wan adminMikroTik /interface set ether2 name=set ether2 name=lanlanadmin...
1”处于禁用状态,可通过enable ether1enable ether1命令启用命令启用 adminmikrotik /interface enable ether1enable ether1 设定“ether1”为外网网卡命名为wan,“ether2”为内网网卡命名lan adminmikrotik /interface set ether1 name=wanset ether1 name=wan adminmikrotik /interface set ether2 name=set ether2 ...
> policy in a dual-WAN config. Even though sa-src-address was set to the > second WAN address, it turns out the deciding factor was the pref-src on > the matching route for the outbound traffic. I tried NAT, policy > routing, yelling, and the pref-src value was the only thing th...
Esun SD-WAN Solution SD-WAN, Software Defined WAN, is the next generation solution to build up an enterprise intranet worldwide. Esun SD-WAN is self-develped solution which includes the CONTROL PANEL and DATA PANEL. The control panel is VM based and the entire control mechanisms are developed...
Config of Cisco ASA you can see below: interface GigabitEthernet0/1 description blablabla nameif WAN security-level 0 ip address GigabitEthernet0/2nameif TESTsecurity-level 100ip address map WAN_map 1 match address WAN_cryptomapcrypto... is wan interface of FortiGate. I have checked everything 100times, so Authentication, encryption and also DH are the same on both sides. I can also see Fortinet as established under Active Peer on Mikrotik, but in Policies tab i can see problem: no phase2. Fortinet ...