Mike Tyson (2:27): If you don't know how the Tyson fight works, here's a run-down. In round 1, for the first 1:30, he exclusively throws uppercuts, and for the last 1:30, he throws hooks. You can hit him twice after each punch, regardless of whether it's an uppercut or ...
Mike Tyson is a former heavyweight boxing champion who has been convicted of rape and drug charges. Read about his boxing career, record, age, movies, and more.
Mike Tyson: The Knockout: Avec Carl Douglas, Wallace Matthews, Todd Boyd, Jeff Wald. L'ascension, la chute et le retour de Mike Tyson, de son enfance difficile à devenir champion du monde incontesté à sa condamnation pour viol en 1992 et ses luttes pe
Paul has put up an impressive record during his young boxing career, winning 10 of his 11 matches. He's had seven knockouts, and he predicted last month thathe expects to knock Tyson outon Friday. During Tyson's long boxing career, which officially ended in 2005, he won 50-of-58 match...
In that list of 62 opponents for Hasim Rahman, the name of Mike Tyson is conspicuous by its absence. Both boxers were active at around the same time, but they never crossed paths in their careers. But it seems that Rahman is open to the idea and has indeed challenged Tyson for a fight...
Umstead, R. Thomas
Mike Tyson’s Peek-a-Book Boxing Style Disadvantages DISADVANTAGE #1 – Uses a LOT of energy The Peek-a-boo boxing style is not at all what you call a smooth style or “efficient” boxing style. It’s fast, explosive, and intelligent but it isn’t subtle. How many older peek-a-boo...
Hollywood's so bad it's good when Godzilla fights Jason. How does Bob the Builder deal with competition from Handy Manny? Dinosaur Train's an improbable train! The Little Match girl finds a new, deadly use for her matches. EP2Ants on a Hamburger ...
As if back to back hill-hill matches wasn’t enough stress for the young German, Neuhausen’s next opponent, New York’s Aaron Greenwood also took him to hill-hill before Neuhausen pocketed the final 9-ball for the match win. Neuhausen then made quick work for Christoph Neumayer (9-4) ...
Well, it continued to happen against Ohio State from the opening kickoff to the final whistle. The only merciful thing about last night’s pummeling is that the Buckeyes didn’t wait until the second half to take the Huskers to the woodshed. They wereMike Tyson in the ring against Michael...