【TED演讲】工作万岁,无分贵贱。Mike Rowe,“干尽苦差事”的主持人,亲身述说那些引人入胜的(和令人害怕的)工作经验。聆听他对这些苦差事的观察和心得,让你重拾对工作的信心!!http://t.cn/R5DwgnG
Think Ted Cruz. It would seem that a college education is becoming increasingly irrelevant in many careers, something that drives elitists nuts, no doubt. In the big picture, the problem is that our education system long ago moved away from teaching students how to think in favor of ...
Directed and produced by Doug Blush, co-directed and edited by Renee Barron, and produced by Jeff Rowe. Rock’ n’ Roll Fantasy Camp founder David Fishof joins us to talk about his life as a promoter, the amazing array of talented artists he has gotten to know and the endless joy that...
Directed and produced by Doug Blush, co-directed and edited by Renee Barron, and produced by Jeff Rowe. Rock’ n’ Roll Fantasy Camp founder David Fishof joins us to talk about his life as a promoter, the amazing array of talented artists he has gotten to know and the endless joy that...
【TED演讲】工作万岁,无分贵贱。Mike Rowe,“干尽苦差事”的主持人,亲身述说那些引人入胜的(和令人害怕的)工作经验。聆听他对这些苦差事的观察和心得,让你重拾对工作的信心。 via思想聚焦(分享自 @秒拍) ht...
【TED演讲】工作万岁,无分贵贱。Mike Rowe,“干尽苦差事”的主持人,亲身述说那些引人入胜的(和令人害怕的)工作经验。聆听他对这些苦差事的观察和心得,让你重拾对工作的信心!!http://t.cn/R5DwgnG