(Big Trouble in Little China) and the line “I should kill him in front of his parents,” as muttered by Schneider in response to JCVD spilling something on his expensive Hawaiian shirt. Definitely the surprise entry in the marathon, it is worth a watch, but only for action addicts or ...
Just like the cryptocurrency scam of 2021 thereabout….the image of the beast drew in the little people to invest their hard earned real money. For four years up unto the present (2024) record numbers of gold have been purchased and sold. Likely more gold sales than ever before. Who is ...
bigboyooo / luban-h5 bigvaliant / luban-h5 binball72956 / luban-h5 binglongworld / luban-h5 blucechen / luban-h5 blue03 / luban-h5 bluegitter / luban-h5 bluelifeleer / luban-h5 bluesea / luban-h5 bnjghj / luban-h5 bobkingdom / luban-h5 bobqiu / luban-h5 ...
Run Dog – The Big Room EP– LOVELOVELOVE this EP. Mopey guitar pop that reminds me of Glen Phillips of Toad The Wet Sprocket.I reviewed it for Little Village. I can’t wait to hear more music from this Cedar Falls band. <a href="https://rundog.bandcamp.com/album/the-big-room">...
The Fedora OS base is used to build/develop new versions of Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® (RHEL) the world's leading enterprise Linux platform. The OS serves as the foundation for which you can scale existing apps and roll out emerging technologies across bare-metal, virtual, container, ...
We just got back from spending a little over a week at our Wyoming ranch. We love it out there. We did a lot on this trip. It is all written up with lots of photos and video in the travel and vacation photos section of the web site. We painted the observatory at the ranch, we...
The green variety isn't doing as well because some kind of little bugs have found it and are busily munching on the leaves. Leslie is using a soap and water solution to keep them at bay. The sweet basil is also practically exploding. We are going to have a big crop of it. The ...
"Financial technology alone has little meaning unless there is underlying value. In order to create jobs and real prosperity, financial technology must act on other factors; and none is more important than human capital." "It's always a handful of people who change the world. Get too many ...
Dwelling into the hidden world of celebrities is always fun. We can learn so much about their lives and feel even closer to our celebrities.
Biden’s agenda had a big impact. Will history give him credit? As construction cranes rise above Trump-friendly towns, the trillions injected into the economy by Biden’s policies did little to boost his party’s fortunes. Asking rents skyrocket as LA fires destroy homes The Companies Behind...