Miitopia Wiki Others Like You Viewed Cat Miitopia Wiki Cleric Pop Star Imp (Job) 2 5 Official Artworks, Sprites & More Official artwork of Eric the Warrior. (3DS version). Official artwork depicting Eric receiving help from Emma theMage, showing their relationship. ...
Decide to help add more images and small details to the Wiki Realise it's been THREE WHOLE YEARS since I last contributed here?? I literally have no sense of time whatsoever and it's kind of scary ngl 😭 Miitopia Wiki is a community site that anyone can contribute to. Discover, share...
Spring Breeze (Japanese: はるかぜ Spring Breeze) is a monster found in Lotus Lake in the Realm of the Fey. They tend to appear with their own kind, or alongside enemies such as Kind Golems, Tadmen and Twerkeys. Defeating it relinquishes a Mii nose. It's