A lot of that drama centers around Daniel LaRusso's young daughter Samantha, and her tempestuous relationship with Miguel Diaz, the first of Johnny Lawrence's Cobra Kai students. Miguel was a great kid led astray by Lawrence's "strike first" training policy, and it seeped into his normal li...
Season 2 of Cobra Kai, you should remember, debuted in spring of 2019. And that means it was filmed around the previous winter. That means the last you've seen of Miguel Diaz in the show was probably filmed around 2 years ago—so it shouldn't be all too shocking to see Maridueña,...
Cobra Kai sees Miguel recover from his injuries without the oft-theorized help of a returning Ali Mills — and it was ultimately the right decision.Warning: SPOILERS ahead for Cobra Kai season 3. Cobra Kai season 3 revealed that Ali Mills (Elisabeth Shue) would play no part in Miguel Diaz'...