When you restore a database from a backup file to a cloud location, consider the quantity of data that must be sent across the network to the cloud database. To optimize this data transfer, copy the backed-up database to a virtual machine in the same region as the destination databa...
We find that migrants systematically prefer 'interconnected' networks (where friends have common friends) to 'expansive' networks (where friends are well connected). A micro-founded model of network-based social capital helps explain this preference: migrants derive more utility from networks that are...
You also use thecreateusercommand from the bash prompt to create PostgreSQL roles. To view the existing roles in the on-premises database, run the following SQL statement: SQL SELECTrolnameFROMpg_roles; You can use the\ducommand in the psql utility to display the privileges assigned to roles...
Look for something like the following message to display when the WASPreUpgrade tool runs: IBM WebSphere Application Server, Release 6.x. This message indicates that you are running the WebSphere Application Server Version 6.1 or later migration utility, not the Version 8.5 migration utility. Al...
The Day After: Your First Response To A Security Breach Mixing It Up: Windows, UNIX, And Active Directory Yes, You Can! Secure Your Mac On A Windows Network Get Smart! Boost Your Network's IQ With Smart Cards Security Watch: Six Free Microsoft Security Resources ...
Small Business Server: Master Your Domain: Build a Corporate Network at Home From the Editor: Downtime is a Four-Letter Word Toolbox: New Products for IT Pros Utility Spotlight: File Server Migration Toolkit SQL Q&A: Running in RAM, Agent Jobs, and More ...
This is by design, and there is no way to bypass it. Click Browse and then browse to the local folder where you want to store the captured install image. The location you choose can be a mapped network drive. Select Upload image to WDS server. Type the name of the WDS server and ...
After migrating toVersion 9.0, perform one of the following actions: Manually change your configuration to use the DB2 Universal JDBC Driver Provider. Use the JDBC Migration Utility for DB2 on z/OS to migrate from the DB2 for zOS Local JDBC Provider (RRS) to the DB2 Universal JDBC Driver Pr...
the business opts to abandon its current workload and switch to a third-party vendor's application -- often a SaaS product -- and only migrate the data. As a simple example, it might be easier to use the cloud provider's workload monitoring utility rather than trying to deploy the same...
Update the services that initiate conversations with the service that you are moving. In each database that contains a route for the service that you are moving, alter the route to use the new network address. Use the CREATE DATABASE or ALTER DATABASE statements to activate Service Broker mes...