(2014). The influence of biomass ash on the migration of heavy metals in the flooded soil profile-model experiment. Archives of Environmental Protection, 40, 4. pp. 3-15.Ciesielczuk, T., Rosik-Dulewska, C. & Kochanowska, K. (2014). The influence of biomass ash on the migration of...
Lead, cadmium, and arsenic pollution of various subtypes of chernozem soils is investigated. It is shown that, regardless of their subtype, leaves accumulated more pollutants than fruits. 关键词: heavy metals - soil - apple tree - leaves - fruits DOI: 10.3103/s1068367409050127 被引量: 2 ...
The chlor-alkali industry (CAI) is crucial for global chemical production; however, its operation has led to widespread heavy metal (HM) contamination at n
The chemical speciation of heavy metals and its factors,heavy metals aborted and accumulated by rice plants,soil heavy metals migration and its factors were reviewed.Efficient irrigation led to huge changes in paddy soil environment,which would contribute to metals binding forms and its migration in ...
北京市再生水灌溉对地下水的重金属污染风险 Assessing the effect of reclaimed water irrigation on groundwater pollution of heavy metals in Beijing 热度: 再生水灌溉土壤—地下水重金属污染特征与风险评价 热度: 尾菜再生水灌溉对土壤酶活性与重金属含量的影响 热度: 相关推荐 2012年1O月 灌溉排水学报 ...
1.The impact of heavy metals transfer from coal waste rock to soil in Xinzhuangzi subsidence area;新庄孜矿塌陷区煤矸石中重金属迁移对覆土影响 2.Transfer of Plasticizer DOP from PVC Film and Diversify Rule of Film Property;PVC保鲜膜中DOP的迁移及膜性能变化规律研究 3.The study on lixiviation and...
In the urbanized territory (the Irkutsk city), the content of sulfur and heavy metals (lead, cadmium, copper, zinc) in soil profile horizons and leaves (needles) arboreal plants were studied. High accumulation of polluting elements in pine and larch needles, birch and poplar leaves, as well ...
The heavy metal accumulations in the soil represent, besides, a critical, damaging reason that affected in the growth process of trees. Within the soil profile, they exert influence on trees through direct toxic effects on the roots and indirect, altering the habitat of the roots. Toxicants, ...
However, compared with the research on microplastics in marine ecosystems, the research and discussion on microplastics in soil ecosystems are still less. Transportation, film mulching and sewage sludge are three main sources of soil microplastics. The abundance, polymer type, size and shape of the ...
Heavy metalsLead isotopesFractionationTransferSequential extractionChinaMigration of Pb in the soil can be enhanced by acidification and frequent change of environmental condition. The paddy soil, where the environmental condition such as redox fluctuates frequently due to soil submergence and drainage, may...