Currently, MySQL 5.6 and 5.7 are supported. Get SQL Server Migration Assistant for MySQL (SSMA for MySQL). Get connectivity and sufficient permissions to access both the source and target. Pre-migration After you meet the prerequisites, you're ready to discover your source MySQL environment...
Microsoft SQL Server Migration Assistant (SSMA) for MySQL は、Windows および Linux 上の SQL Server 2022 (16.x) または Azure SQL Database を使用して、MySQL データベースを SQL Server 2012 (11.x) に移行するためのツールです。 SSMA for MySQL は、MySQL データベース オブジェクトを ...
You will next perform the following steps that I described in MySQL to SQL Server Migration: How to Use SSMA post:Reconnect to SQL Server. You’ll be prompted again to create the Sakila database as part of the connection process. Convert Schema. You’ll create the model with...
Description:I am not able to connect to a remote MSSQL server from a Redhat VM. I connect to the VM via a vnc viewer called Remina, and launch mysql-workbench. I have tried both ODBC(FreeTDS) and ODBC Data Source(FreeTDS) connection methods. ODBC(FreeTDS) gives error - "NotConnectedErr...
(11.x) through SQL Server 2022 (16.x) on Windows and Linux, or Azure SQL Database. SSMA for MySQL converts MySQL database objects to SQL Server or Azure SQL objects, loads those objects into SQL Server or Azure SQL, and then migrates data from MySQL to SQL Server or Azure SQL. ...
Microsoft SQL Server Migration Assistant for MySQL 6.0 本篇主要是迁移那个表数据(从MySQL中某个库下的表及其数据到MSSQL的某个库中),每张图代表一个步骤: 1)打开 Migration Assistant for MySQL 2. 新建工程(因之前新建过一次,测试过一遍后删除了,所以此出为SqlMigration2) ...
Getting Started with SSMA for MySQL (MySQLToSQL)Introduces the user interface, projects, and configuration options. Migrating MySQL Databases to SQL Server - Azure SQL DB (MySQLToSql)Provides an overview of the conversion process and detailed information about each step in the process. ...
1 安装MySQL Migration Toolkit先下载MySQL GUI Tools(其实就是一个MySQL管理工具),其中就包括MySQL Migration Toolkit工具,一路Next安装完毕。2 第一次运行需要加载ojdbc14.jar包运行MySQLMigration Toolkit,一路“Next”到“Source Database”,在Database System中选择Oracle Database Server,如果第一次使用会告...
1.Download the SQL Server Migration Assistant. After the installation, start the application by double-clicking the shortcut on your desktop: Be sure to make note of the prerequisites that are listed in theInstalling SSMA for MySQL Clienthelp topic. If you don’t, the assistant will prompt yo...
Pretty new to this so hopefully not something I should have found as a sticky or FAQ somewhere. Trying to convert a SQL Server 2016 db to mySQL 5.7. Using the WB migration wizard and as I step through it I get 'No migration problems found' but there are '20 warning(s)'. If I loo...