In the%ORACLE_HOME%/bin/omwb.batfile, locate the path for your source database. Towards the bottom of the file there is a line beginning with%JRE% -classpath. Below this line, there is a corresponding path for each plug-in. The following is the path for SQL Server 6: D:\ora816\O...
If you are using the Scala play-json API, there was a small change in the way the JsLookup implicit class works. For example, if you have code like:val bar = (jsarray(index) \ "bar").as[Bar]where index is an array index and jsarray is a JsArray, now you should write:...
The AGP version is the number that comes at the end of the line classpath '', so 7.3.0 in this case. Similarly, the kotlin version comes at the end of the line ext.kotlin_version = '1.7.10', in this case 1.7.10. Next, replace the contents ...
You can either change the class path for the system or add the DB2 database product jar files to the class path in MTKMain.bat file. If you are running a local 32-bit application (such as MTK) in a 64-bit DB2 database product instance, LIBPATH, SHLIB_PATH, and LD_LIBRARY_PATH sh...
If this solution is unsatisfactory, you may either add the classes to your classpath or edit the %MIGTBX_HOME%/bin/setclasspath.bat file. Note the summary at the end of the output from the extraction and translation tools to determine if any project objects failed the automated process. ...
You can configure Cassandra-Migration to make use of execution profiles for the migration scripts. This can be very useful in case the migration scripts can take a long time to run and you do not want to change your application timeouts just for the migration of the schema. In that case ...
class]: Invocation of init method failed; nested exception is org.flywaydb.core.api.Flyway...
The Advanced Set- tings panel can be used to manually specify a JDBC driver and JDBC connection string for your migration session. 16 The Migration Process In-Depth 9.4.1. Microsoft Access The Source Database screen appears as follows when you select Microsoft Access as the source database: ..."Flyway migrations failed!", ex); } } Example #5Source File: From ameba with MIT License 5 votes /** * Retrieves the full set of infos about the migrations resolved on the classpath. * * @return The resolved migrations. An empty array if none. */...
The default directory of the Flyway migration script in the spring boot project isclasspath:db/migrationbut one can change using property files or configuration using Springboot Java configuration. You can also user classpath or filesystem path as script location property as given below. ...