Right boxes illustrate directional migration as animated chemotaxis plot graphs. Collagen gel: 1.6 mg ml-1; time-lapse over 4 h (60 frames, 10 frames/s), 10x objective. (MOV 9597 kb) Supplementary Movie 6 The file contains Supplementary Movie 6 which shows rearward-pulling of a fibroblast ...
Full size image Breakup of the bond between parents and young Adults and young migrating together remained close to one another (pairwise distance: ΔD 0.6 ± 2.0 km (mean ± s.d.). Supplementary Movie1) until the migration event was disrupted due to mortality, tag failure or...
animated example of cell tracing in a non-amputated control worm. frame-by-frame scatterplot of xy cell position, changing over time, for a control worm that has not been amputated. each moving cell is color coded by cell type, and every past position is retained in order to visualize ...