简介 数据库迁移就像是数据库的版本控制,可以让你的团队轻松修改并共享应用程序的数据库结构。迁移通常与 Laravel 的数据库结构生成器配合使用,让你轻松地构建数据库结构。如果你曾经试过让同事手动在数据库结构中添加字段,那么数据库迁移可以让你不再需要做这样的事情。
并修改注释为“xxx”,注意后面 change$table->integer('source')->comment('xxx')->change();//删除字段$table->dropColumn('last_cached_time');//加普通
renaming an existing table, and creating columns. The available column types can be found at this reference link: https://laravel.com/docs/5.7/migrations#columns. To execute the most recent unexecuted migrations
)->after('title'); //修改 source 字段的类型为 integer,并修改注释为“xxx”,注意后面 change $table->integer('source')->comment('xxx')->change(); //删除字段 $table->dropColumn('last_cached_time'); //加普通索引 $table->index('title'...
6.1 新建数据库laravel_study字符集utf8 -- UTF-8 Unicode,排序规则:utf8_general_ci6.2 配置第二个数据库D:\03www2018\study\myblog\config\database.php增加如下//第2个数据库连接 'mysql2' => [ 'driver' => 'mysql', 'host' => '', 'database' => 'laravel_study', 'username' =...
{ /** * Run the migrations. * * @return void */ publicfunctionup() { Schema::table('要改的表名称',function(Blueprint$table) { DB::statement("ALTER TABLE 要改的表名称 MODIFY vehicle_description varchar(1000) default '' NOT NULL COMMENT '车辆描述';"); ...
public function up() { Schema::table('users', function (Blueprint $table) { $table->string('phone')->nullable()->after('email'); }); } public function down() { Schema::table('users', function (Blueprint $table) { $table->dropColumn('phone'); }); } Now, if we're doing ...
{ "require": { "stidges/laravel-fk-migration": "1.*" } }After you have added it to your composer.json file, make sure you update your dependencies:composer updateBasic UsageTo get started, create a new class in your app/database/migrations/ directory. If you want to make sure this...
laravel中migration 数据迁移 简介 数据库迁移就像是数据库的版本控制,可以让你的团队轻松修改并共享应用程序的数据库结构。迁移通常与 Laravel 的数据库结构生成器配合使用,让你轻松地构建数据库结构。如果你曾经试过让同事手动在数据库结构中添加字段,那么数据库迁移可以让你不再需要做这样的事情。
Migrating: _add_status_column_to_phone_model Migrated: _add_status_column_to_phone_model (0.05 seconds) Buddha also worked successfully. We will be talking about undoing and other features later. I will finish the subject “Laravel migration errors” off here without further ado. ...