If Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager is storing its configuration database on a Microsoft SQL Instance, you must ensure that if you deploy a new Veeam Backup & Replication server, it too must use Microsoft SQL. Failure to match the database engine will prevent Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager from...
We've implemented a 4 server failover cluster with Windows 2016 datacenter. But 3 times now over the last 6 months or so we've had the same incident. The VMs on one host will get stuck in a stopping state when they're shutdo...
Once the new 6.7 vCSA has been installed in the new infrastructure, all ESXi host members of the source cluster to migrate must besupported by the target vCenter. Make sure the ESXi version installed in the source cluster is included in the supported matrix: If the ESXi hosts in the source...
Below I’m just using an ‘offline root CA’ server, if you have multi tiered PKI deployments, then start at the root CA, fix that, then reissue your Sub CA certificates to your intermediate servers, fix them, then repeat the process for any issuing CA servers. Obviously if you only ha...
「Connect-HCXServer Error: Unauthorized」 您輸入的登入資料不提供必要的許可。 相關資源 AWS 使用混合VMware雲端延伸模組 (HCX) 將工作負載遷移至 上的雲端 (AWS 部落格文章) 選擇將VMware應用程式和工作負載重新定位到AWS雲端的遷移方法 (AWS 規範性指導) 在 AWS 上使用 遷移VMwareSDDC至VMware...
We've implemented a 4 server failover cluster with Windows 2016 datacenter. But 3 times now over the last 6 months or so we've had the same incident. The VMs on one host will get stuck in a stopping state when they're shutdown. We'll also be unable to migrate servers from or to...