To test out your implementation, don't forget to stop and restart your server. As we can see, PostgreSQL follows a relational data model. At the same time, MongoDB is a NoSQL document-oriented database so we need to redesign our schema to fit MongoDB's document-based model. In the ...
If you use SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) and want to migrate your SSIS projects/packages from the source SSISDB hosted by SQL Server to the destination SSISDB hosted by an Azure SQL Managed Instance, you can use Azure Database Migration Service.If...
Specify details of your source SQL Server, backup location and your target SQL Server on Azure Virtual Machine. Create a new Azure Database Migration Service and install the self-hosted integration runtime to access source server and backups. Start ...
Migrate from MongoDB on-premises to Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB RU offline via Azure Database Migration Service.
This article shows how to use Striim to migrate data from an Oracle database to an Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL account.PrerequisitesIf you don't have an Azure subscription, create a free account before you begin. An Oracle database running on-premises with some data in it....
Create a database.config file Next, we need to create a database configuration file. This configuration file will contain the details and credentials for MySQL database and the MongoDB. Here we need to make sure that the correct database name, username and password are used for the MySQL ...
Migrate Data from MySQL to MS SQL Server Get a DemoTry it Migrate Data from Oracle to MS SQL Server Get a DemoTry it Migrate Data from MongoDB to PostgreSQL Get a DemoTry it Step 4: Creating a Linked Server in SQL Server For this step, it is recommended that you leverage the followi...
Migrate data from a self-managed SQL Server database to an AnalyticDB for PostgreSQL instance Migrate data from an ApsaraDB RDS for SQL Server instance to a DataHub project Migrate data from a MongoDB database Migrate data from a Db2 for LUW database Migrate data from a Teradata database Mi...
Migrate data from an ApsaraDB RDS for SQL Server instance to a DataHub project Migrate data from a MongoDB database Migrate data from a Db2 for LUW database Migrate data from a Teradata database Migrate data from an HBase database Migrate data from a...
Oracle Oracle Database, Oracle NoSQL Up to 20 GB, up to 25 GB per table Up to 30 sessions Up to 133 million reads per month Up to 133 million writes per month MongoDB MongoDB 512 MB Up to 500 connections 100 reads per second 100 writes per second Clever Cloud PostgreSQL, MySQL 25...