mysqldockerpostgressql-serverspring-bootpostgresqlmigrationmariadbdatabase-migrationsdatabase-managementsqlservermigratemariadb-databasemariadb-serverr2dbcr2dbc-migration UpdatedJun 23, 2024 Java VR-25/migrator Star93 Code Issues Pull requests Discussions ...
testing fix: Conform to go test naming convention Oct 26, 2022 .dockerignore Use make for docker builds so all releases use the same db and source… Aug 4, 2020 .gitignore Support for GitHub Actions and goreleaser (golang-migrate#604) Jul 31, 2021 .golangci.yml Changes borrowed from PR...
创建并编辑 /etc/my.cnf.d/openstack.cnf,然后完成如下动作: 启动数据库服务,并将其配置为开机自启: systemctl enable --now mariadb.service 对数据库进行安全初始化处理: mysql_secure_installation 消息队列 安装包 yum install rabbitmq-server 启动消息队列服务并将其配置为随系统启动 systemctl enable --no...
As is always recommended before migrating to any major release, it’s prudent to have abackup of your filesin case something goes wrong during the upgrade. Therefore, take some time and take a backup copy of all the important files. Step 1: Update CentOS 7 System To get off the ground,...
將內部部署 Microsoft SQL Server 資料庫遷移至執行 Linux 的 Amazon Word 上的 Microsoft EC2 SQL ServerPDF由Tirumala Dasari (AWS) 建立 環境:PoC 或試行 來源:資料庫:關聯性 目標:Amazon EC2 Linux 搭配 Microsoft SQL Server R 類型:Replatform...
Lokale Datenquellen: Datenbanken, die nicht auf Redis basieren, wie My, PostgreSQL, OracleSQL, SQL Server oder MariaDB. Lokale Datenquellen: Auf dem Redis-Protokoll basierende Datenbanken wie Redis und Redis Enterprise Software. OSS Die einfachste Methode, Daten aus Redis-...
MySQL/MariaDB Neo4j MongoDB CrateDB Shell Google Cloud Spanner CockroachDB YugabyteDB ClickHouse Firebird MS SQL Server 5. 支持迁移源 Go Migrate支持多个迁移源,包括: 文件系统:从本地文件系统读取迁移。 io/fs:使用Goio/fs包读取迁移。 Go-Bindata:使用jteeuwen/go-bindata包从嵌入的二进制数据中读取迁移...
Note: MariaDB is not tested/recommended. Note: SQLite is used in Airflow tests. Do not use it in production. We recommend using the latest stable version of SQLite for local development. Note: Airflow currently can be run on POSIX-compliant Operating Systems. For development, it is regularl...
$ migrate -source file://path/to/migrations -database postgres://localhost:5432/database up 2 Docker usage $ docker run -v {{ migration dir }}:/migrations --network host migrate/migrate -path=/migrations/ -database postgres://localhost:5432/database up 2 Use in your Go project API is...
Fuentes de datos locales: bases de datos que no están basadas en Redis, como My, PostgreSQL, Oracle SQLSQL, Server o MariaDB. Fuentes de datos locales: bases de datos basadas en el protocolo de Redis, como Redis y Redis Enterprise Software. OSS ...