Lower your costs and increase performance with a cloud that runs traditional and cloud-native apps concurrently. Move to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure and increase your topline.
Cloud Migration Achieve faster, reliable, andcost-effective cloud migrationwith Infomaze. Let us handle the storage, data security, and migration to the cloud while you focus on managing your organization. Our experts deploy smoothly withminimal or no downtime, be it data, migrating apps, worklo...
Migrate your custom application to the Oracle cloud and capture improved performance while reducing your total cost. Learn about flexible migration and the advantages of guided implementation.
and migrating Spring Boot apps to cloud, the top Spring Cloud components remain the same over the past three years – Spring Cloud Config Server, Spring Cloud Gateway, and Spring Cloud Service Registry. Open-source communities are exploring tools for applying recipes to m...
Eliminate context-switching and save time by integrating your team’s favorite tools. Seamlessly connect GitHub, Bitbucket, and thousands of other Marketplace apps to Jira. Jira as the source of truth Let Jira Cloud be your organization's one place for everything. Say goodbye to outdated, redu...
Everything you need to know to move your products and data from Atlassian Server or Data Center to Atlassian Cloud.
The clients continue to function without extra configuration.Note When you migrate from federated to cloud authentication, the process to convert the domain from federated to managed may take up to 60 minutes. During this process, users might not be prompted for credentials for any new logins...
The clients continue to function without extra configuration.Note When you migrate from federated to cloud authentication, the process to convert the domain from federated to managed may take up to 60 minutes. During this process, users might not be prompted for credentials for any new logins t...
Use content actions to count page macros Build a Custom UI app Build a Confluence keyword extractor with OpenAI Use highlighted text in a Confluence app Create a GIPHY app using UI kit on Confluence Bitbucket Extend Bitbucket Cloud Build a hello world app in Bitbucket ...
Azure App Service offers a fast, easy, and cost-effective way to migrate your .NET web apps from on-premises to the cloud. Start free self-service assessment Take the first step in your cloud journey This article will guide you through the first steps you can take to migrate your .NET ...