SAP 收货相关后台配置 收货相关后台配置: 1、MIGO收货字段设置:后台--- 物料管理-- 库存管理和实际库存--- Enjoy事务设置---货物移动设置(MIGO)-- -MIGO字段选择(可设置字段高亮、隐藏等) 2、移动类型的字段选择: 在前台MIGO中(按F1)找到具体字段: 同理,其他字段也能找到。这样就可设置哪些字段是必须输入的...
题目SAP MM 顾问请进 做MIGO的PO收货时候过不了,应该怎样做才能过 Material 10+70D has status Costing in Process in plant CC-D Message no.M7092 Diagnosis In the material master record,the material status (field "MAT/PPC status") has been maintained.This means that use of the material can ...
题目 SAP MM 顾问请进 做MIGO的PO收货时候过不了,应该怎样做才能过 Material 10+70D has status Costing in Process in plant CC-D Message no.M7092 Diagnosis In the material master record,the material status (field "MAT/PPC status") has been maintained.This means that use of the material can b...
R:in the configuration of material type , you can configure a material type managed on a quantity basis. 12.OMWB 配置自动过帐.spro/物料管理/评估和科目设置/科目确定/无向导的科目确定/配置自动过帐 13.维护类别类别: spro/sap netweaver/base/应用程序链接启动(ALE)/定模和实施业务处理/主数据分配/...
SAP Managed Tags: MM Inventory Management Hello Experts, Business process: Currently, we are using a scan gun to process receipts at the storeroom. Labels are printed after every receipt is posted and the number of labels can be entered at each line item that is being received. (Storerooms...
SAPApp.HistoryEnabled = True 'improve the performance dummy = session.UnlockSessionUI() Set session = Nothing Set Connection = Nothing Set SAPApp = Nothing Set SapGuiAuto = Nothing 'Application.ScreenUpdating = True MsgBox "Process Completed" End Sub Function get_consumed_qty(material As String,...
SAP MM 顾问请进做MIGO的PO收货时候过不了,应该怎样做才能过Material 10+70D has status Costing in Process in plant CC-DMessage no.M7092DiagnosisIn the material master record,the material status (field"MAT/PPC status") has been maintained.This means that use of the material can...
SAP_MM 收货时自动创建采购订单自动创建采购订单 SAP收货时自动创建采购订单(或106 ,自动建立退货采购订单) 具体流程如下: 1.移动类型101已在后台设置为自动创建定单.具体方法是:进入IMG后台,SPRO->IMG->物料管理->库存管理和实际库存->收货->自动创建采购订单,双击进入后,将101 GR收货的第三项“自动产生的采购...
In this process, the system copies the original reference document number (MSEG-LFBNR) to the new material document, and this way we maintain the link between the goods receipts and the corresponding invoice. A sample case scenario is the following one: A Purchase order is created, the goods...
SAP Business Process Management Will Appreciate your valuable suggestion on this. I want to create an idoc with all the Data(Material Document Data, Goods Receipt Data, PO data etc..) when i do the Goods Receipt(MIGO, Movement type 101).The IDoc should contain all the data... 1) Which...