(2) 方法二, 进入要做增强的那个 screen,找到相应的程序 名,例: va01 以下屏幕的程序就是 SAPMV45A 用T-CODE: SE38, 输入程序名 SAPMV45A,进入,点击工具 栏上的“Display Object List”按钮,选择 Subroutines, 屏幕左部出现以下对话框。选择 Subroutines 进行扩展,那 些以 USEREXIT 开头的 routines 就是...
一,SAP增强分类:两大类分法: 一)SAP增强(SAPEnhancements)的种类(分类标准一,不知是否官方标准) 1.E类:Enhancementexits,即通常所谓的用户出口(User_exit).用户出口也 叫功能出口(FunctionExit)。使用Tcode:SE37搜索EXIT*,找到的函数大都是做 系统预留的出口函数,前面说过,用户出口是标准程序留给用户的接口,标准...
21 SAP Enhancement(SAP增强)(里面有MIGO和供应商附件屏幕增强实例).pdf,SAP Enhancement (SAP 增强) 一, SAP 增强分类:两大类分法: 一) SAP 增强(SAP Enhancements)的种类(分类标准一,不知是否官方标准) 1. E 类:Enhancement exits,即通常所谓的用户出口(User_exit ).
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Dear Sir, We need to add a new field at Header level in MIGO . The input data also need to be stored in MKPF table ( or Ztable incase storing in MKPF is not possible) . I understand that BADI " MB_MIGO_BADI " is used for this requirement . ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Extensibility Hi Expert, I have a requirement to add one field into MIGO header screen. I can not used MB_MIGO_BADI since the BADI has not exist yet in 4.6C system. Can anyone propose other way to add custom field in MIGO header for 4.6C system? Thank you....
Solved: All, After going to MIGO screen ,below 'show overview' , we can find the field where we can select Goods Receipt or Display etc . In my setting its coming as
Solved: Hi Guys, In tcode MIGO_TR there are buttons to expand/collapse both header and item information. This is what i want to do in my flavor: 1. Use a Script to click
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Extensibility Hi Experts, I need to add an additional tab in header screen of MIGO, but it is overlapping the "Excise Invoice" tab when I activate my tab. Please suggest how to add a tab without overlapping the existing tab of "Excise Invoice". Thanks, Deepanshu...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development ABAP Development Programming Tool View products (1) Dear All, I created Zscreen in Line Item details of MIGO Tcode, using Badi MB_MIGO_BADI. I add field GOITEM-ZZGATENO(Append Strucre in GOITEM & MSEG Table). I put Break point and check CS_...
Step 2 :Go to group create enhancement and click on classic badi radio button Step 3 :Enter badi name MB_MIGO_BADI and click on button create. Step 4: In the pop up screen give you Implementation Name Step 5:Enter the short text Step 6:Go to interface tab Step 7:Click on PBO_DET...