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绘本《Ricky Ricotta’s Mighty Robot》,Scholastic 绘本内容 在学校被人讨厌?希望自己有一个特殊的朋友?那么看到里基和它强大的机器人朋友你一定会尖声惊叫! 强大的机器人朋友带着里基翱翔于天际,如此开心! 邪恶的臭博士企图控制全世界,两个好朋友联起手来一起打败臭博士! 幽默爆笑的故事内容,鲜艳夸张的插图,牢牢...
绘本《Ricky Ricotta’s Mighty Robot Vs.The Mutant Mosquitoes From Mercury》,Scholastic 绘本内容 Ricky’s Mighty Robot always gets him to school on time,keeps bullies away,and even helps out with homework.These two friends do everything together! So when mean Mr. Mosquito invades Earth with his...
Dav Pilkey
作者:Dav Pilkey 出版社:中图 副标题:Ricotta's Mighty Robot Astro-Activity Book O'Fun 出版年:2006-3 页数:96 定价:30.0 装帧:Pap ISBN:9780439826013 豆瓣评分 目前无人评价 评价: 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到 内容简介· ··· Join
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MIGHTY ROBOT ASTRO-ACTIVITY BOOK S FUN 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书 图书描述 Join Ricky and his Mighty Robot as they take a break from saving the solar system from certain destruction. With cool crossword puzzles, witty word finds, perplexing puzzles, and just-hilarious jokes, this activity boo...
Ricky Ricotta's Mighty Robot (Book 1) 里基系列1:强大的机器人 作者 Dav Pilkey著Dan Santat绘 出版社 Scholastic 出版时间 2014年4月 ISBN 9780545630092 定价 44.80 内容简介 FromDavPilkey,creatorofCaptainUnderpants,andacclaimedartistDanSantat,anout-of-this-worldfriendshipadventurewithall-newfull-co...
Al B. Mouseis a character that is like me “mouse-sonified.” Mix Mickey Mouse and me together and you have Al B. I drew him in people’s sketchbooks for years and years. People kept asking me, “Can I buy a book with this character in it?” I had nothing. I had no time. ...