The YTZ14SGEL is a 12V 11.2AH GEL Maintenance Free battery. Requires no addition of water during the life of the battery. The Mighty Max YTZ14SGEL is a TRUE DEEP CYCLE battery that can be mounted in any position, requires no maintenance. When a Gel Cell battery is charged, no ...
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Give your Kid Trax Disney Ride On Toy KT1122TR continuous playtime with our durable 6V 4.5AH battery.
It had only 650cca so I replaced it with the Mighty Max 850cca now my Jeep starts just fine in the cold Midwest winter. Alfredo 00 5 out of 5 stars review 12/12/2024 replacement battery works greatit was easy to put in and the car fired right up. Herbert ...
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Check our Home page. Mighty Max Battery is the name you can trust for all your SLA, AGM, LiFePO, and Power Sport batteries.
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