mighty machines-7(at the garbage dump) 上传者:gracechenatscut 27:36 mighty machines 8(at the quarry) 上传者:gracechenatscut 27:31 mighty machines9(at the race track) 上传者:gracechenatscut 27:01 mighty machines10(at the sawmill)
Confident as I went to the gym and pulled a mat to meditate among the workout machines and blaring music. I thought if I am going to live this life- live it out loud everywhere. Morning sun breaths transformed into an energy ball of sunshine bursting out from within me. I got this. ...
Like the electric light, Edison developed everything needed to have a phonograph work, including records to play, equipment to record the records, and equipment to manufacture the records and the machines. In the process of making the phonograph practical, Edison created the recording industry. Whi...