注意到Mighty Leaf 茶,是因为他独特的丝质茶包包装。 不大喝茶,对于所谓手工精选整片茶叶、水果块等纯净天然的顶级材料作为成分云云并没有多大兴趣,食品展上逛一圈,估计但凡卖茶的多半会这么说。 不过手工缝制的丝质包装袋倒是确实很吸引人且讨人喜爱,用无漂泊棉线手工缝制的茶包,无铁钉,无化学胶粘合,无污染...
With flavors like Organic Spring Jasmine, Marrakesh Mint, and Orange Dulce, you can never go wrong with Mighty Leaf. Theirs are some of the best teas in grocery stores, and can be ordered online as well. If you are an avid tea drinker, you're sure to love Mighty Leaf. ...