A. ADJ (mightier (compar) (mightiest (superl))) (liter) 1. (= powerful) [blow]→ tremendo; [effort]→ grandísimo; [nation]→ poderosohe shook his mighty fist→ agitó su poderoso puñoGod's mighty power→ la omnipotencia de Diossee also high A3 2. (= loud) [bang, roar]→ eno...
Thousands of years ago,Odincommissioned the Dwarves of Nidavellir to forge a chunk of Uru with the powers of the God Tempest. The result was Mjolnir, a weapon he used as his own for ages to follow until he passed it down to his son, Thor. Odin was the one who placed the enchantment ...
You swear to God you didn't talk to Menshel about the set? The strongest way of saying to promise. I don't think finger-pointing is going to help us here. In this context, "to finger-point" is to blame somebody for something bad that just happened. I'm going to suggest we be ...
Now, since you're going up against Xolotl, the god of death and misfortune, you'll be happy to know that the touchscreen controls are fully customisable - or if you fancy something a bit more console-like, there's always the platformer's gamepad support to give you a helping hand. ...
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. almighty adjective 1. all-powerful, supreme, absolute, unlimited, invincible, omnipotent Let us now confess our sins to Almighty God. all-powerful weak, helpless, powerless, impotent 2. (Informal)...