before the 12th century, in the meaning defined atsense 1a Time Traveler The first known use ofmightwas before the 12th century See more words from the same century Dictionary Entries Nearmight miggle might might and main See More Nearby Entries ...
What’s the difference betweenmightandmay? Mightandmaycan both be used asauxiliary verbs(helping verbs) that express possibility, as inWe may/might have some left—let me check. Traditionally,mightis considered a weaker form ofmay—meaning that it expresses a lower degree of possibility that som...
MIGHT/MAY is contained in 1 match in Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Learn definitions, uses, and phrases with might/may.
Examples "Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast thou ordained strength because of thine enemies, that thou mightest still the enemy and the avenger." Randall Amster: "I Want to Be a Farmer": Food Justice, Out of the Mouths of Babes Randall Amster 2011 "Out of the mouth of bab...
might (just) as well meaning, definition, what is might (just) as well: used to suggest that someone should do s...: Learn more.
I wonder about knowing the meaning of 'concede'.Could someone give me examples of this?是什麼意思 A: I wouldn't use "concededly" as a replacement for "admittedly"Here's some examples using "concede":When having a discussion, you sometimes have to concede when the other person makes a...
might is right meaning, definition, what is might is right: used to say that powerful people and cou...: Learn more.
Okay, so those are three examples of this first meaning of " may" .这就是关于第一个含义“可能”的三个例句。And then just two examples of asking permission using " may" in a polite way.然后只有两个请求的例子,用礼貌的方式使用“可能”。If I don't have a pen, I can say to someone:...
The meaning of WITH ALL ONE'S MIGHT is as hard as one can. How to use with all one's might in a sentence.
The meaning of MIGHT/SHOULD HAVE KNOWN is —used to say that one is not surprised to learn of something. How to use might/should have known in a sentence.