According toPeople,Jahmil French from the Canadian TV show "Degrassi: Next Generation"died on March 1, 2021. He was only 28 years old. Though the cause of death wasn't released, French's representation and coworkers were quick to post on social media their shock and grief, as well as m...
One of the great oddities of our time is the widespread belief that our CO2 emissions will destroy the Earth in the 21st century. The thin foundation for these stories is theIPCC’s worst-case scenario, RCP8.5 (oftenmisrepresented as a “business as usual scenario”). In this we burn off...
Gantz also warns of a possible derivative war between top bankers that could bring the global economy down. Gantz contends, “Once somebody begins to change the way they look at derivatives, and start using derivatives as a weapon . . . they’re going to fight between each other. These ar...
4 Faces of Creativity (or, You May Still Be More Creative Than You Think You Are) As I begin walking myself back into what I hope will be a complete restoration of my creative energy, I find myself realizing that perhaps I haven’t spent these last few years in as much of a creati...