May as well和might as well的区别 may [might] as well…意为“不妨”、“还是…为好”等,用 might 比用 may 语气更委婉.如:I’m ready,so I might as well go now.我已准备好,因此不妨现在就走.There’s nothing to do, so I may [might] as well go to bed. 既然没什么事可做,我还是去...
英语口语和写作 你问到的“may as well”和“might as well”在英语中确实很常用,它们的用法有些相似,但也有一些细微的差别。我来帮你梳理一下: might as well:这个短语通常用来表示“不妨”或“也只好”的意思,用于建议或表示一种不是最佳选择但可接受的行为。它往往带有一种接受现实或妥协的语气。例如: "...
may [might]as well…意为“不妨”、“还是…为好”,用 might 比用 may 语气更委婉.如:I’m ready,so we might as well go now.我已准备好,不如我们现在就走.There's nothing to do, then I may as well go to bed. 好无聊,我还是去睡觉吧.might as well 还可用于指过去的情况或用于如意的...
may/might as well do表达不愿意,或至少没有强烈意愿,但许没有更好的选择了,而且这样做带来的危害也不大。这是非正式的表达。有人说这是may/might as well do as not的省略。might as well更常见 品读如下例句。【例句1】If I've got to go somewhere I may as well go to Birmingham.(如果我必...
解析 may的语气比might的语气要强烈,前者的意思是“还是.好”,后者的意思是“不妨,还是...的好,倒不如” 结果一 题目 英文求教may as well 跟might as well有什么区别? 答案 may的语气比might的语气要强烈,前者的意思是“还是.好”,后者的意思是“不妨,还是...的好,倒不如” 相关推荐 1 英文求教may ...
“may as well”和“might as well”的意思都可以解释为:“不妨”、“还是…为好”,区别在于用 might 比用 may 语气更委婉.如:I’m ready,so we might as well go now.我已准备好,不如我们现在就走.There's nothing to do, then I may as well go to bed. 好无聊,我还是去睡觉吧....
might as well 和 may as well 的用法区别 一、在做一件事没有更好的选择又没有理由不做的时候,我们可以使 用might as well 和may as well 来表达最容易或是最符合逻辑的行动。它们都是非正式的表建议的说法,might as well 更为普遍。例如:You might as well tell them the truth.你不妨告诉他们真相...
“may as well”和“might as well”的意思都可以解释为:“不妨”、“还是…为好”, 区别在于用 might 比用 may 语气更委婉. 如: I’m ready, so we might as well go now.我已准备好,不如我们现在就走. There's nothing to do, then I may as well go to bed. 好无聊,我还是去睡觉吧. ...
May as well和might as well的区别 might as well和may as well是英语口语中使用频率较高的词组,在不同的语境下,这两个词组有相同的意思但也有所不同。下面我们来用例子更直观地理解一下。口语中用到might as well和may as well的机会还是挺多的,在不同的语境下,这两个词组有相同的意思但...