Buffed Fire Shield spell. Doubled its base damage so it should scale better and remain useful further into the game.(I think it probably needs to be doubled again but I'll try this for now.) Buffed the Hour of Power statueto give +20 attack instead of +10, as it wasn't really wo...
More work and testing required. A big drawback is all of them still rely on the base class templates, so they look the same and require e.g. the Windsword quest to level up. There's not much I can do about that easily, but they should at least be fun and different to play. ...
This is the original MM7 and it has been redone. It has many changes. The well in Harmondale has about the same function as the one in MM7Rev4modR1 Redone. The hub can take you to Bracada, Barrow Downs, Deja, Tatalia, and Avlee. There is a shine up on...
《魔法门10:传承(Might and Magic X:Legacy)》游民星空点评6.8分 旧式RPG活化石 就像我们上面提到的,《魔法门10:传承》最大的三处卖点就是战斗、探索和角色培养。战斗大约占了游戏的65%,探索占了15%,角色培养和装备收集占了10%,游戏剩下的全部要素则都被压缩到了最后的10%里。如果你喜欢并且怀念旧式《魔法门...
官方网站:http://mightandmagicx.com/ 游戏介绍 《魔法门10:传承》(Might & Magic X:Legacy)是...
《魔法门10:传承(Might and Magic X:Legacy)》游民星空点评6.8分 旧式RPG活化石 12个职业组合与许多其他游戏相比显得有点少,但《魔法门10:传承》为玩家提供了非常自由的角色培养系统。每次升级之后,玩家都将获得相对丰富的技能点和属性点,完全可以自由分配。传统意义上的物理职业也可以学得一两手实用的魔法,法系...
英文名称:Might and Magic X:Legacy 游戏类型:角色扮演(RPG)游戏 游戏制作:Limbic Entertainment 游戏发行:Ubisoft 游戏平台:PC 发售时间:2014年1月23日 官方网站:点击进入 《魔法门10:传承(Might and Magic X:Legacy)》让我觉得仿佛货到了高中时代(那可是好久以前的事了)。我喜欢它那回合制战斗、格状地图和“...
《魔法门10:传承(Might & Magic X: Legacy)》详细评测 二,音乐与剧情:魔法门一如既往的强大(9/10) 可惜的是这一代不再是知名的萝卜王+保罗安东尼罗梅罗作为作曲了,但是这代的BGM依然很带感,或者激昂或者婉转,圣殿时候的静穆,战斗时候的热烈,遗憾的是这个测试版把音乐给封装了,我没办法提取出来,但是等将来音乐...
https://mightandmagicx-legacy.ubi.com/opendev/blog/post/view/details-about-post-launch-patch-1作者: samjf1986 时间: 2014-2-22 11:54 路过看卡作者: hantaotao123 时间: 2014-2-22 11:55 xiexiefenxiang作者: jake1221 时间: 2014-2-22 12:08...