Unofficial fan patches, localized files, etc. of NWC / 3DO's old RPG game series, Might and Magic (MM1-9, but mainly MM6, 7, 8 & Merge) @tomchen - Might and Magic 6 7 8 fan projects
- Alchemy buffs do not stack with Light magic - Access to either Light Magic or Alchemy makes the party much stronger than without it Down here the full recipe list:  ## Craft...
This submod is intended for the polish version of the Merge Mod, If you want to do the translation (aka. changing the dubbing lines to the corresponding ones of your language, if Gothic has that dubbi
本吧热帖: 1-魔法门678整合版的职业和地图翻译、示意图、修改作弊等 2-高清魔法门678整合版及灰脸补丁简繁汉化包更新 3-魔法门10的几个问题 4-MM6原版重制版开了一个纯物理BT队 5-MMMergeRedone2.12-灵石之光-[神之初]发布了 6-新年mod 《魔法门世界 英雄无敌GG 版》 新的
Command line tool to handle (extract, replace, compare resources and more) Heroes of Might and Magic 3 and Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 resource archive files (e.g. lod files) for Windows. Download mmarch v3.2 Based on GrayFace's MMArchive (repo). If you need a graphical user interface ...
首先必须把赞美送给做此游戏的大神,感谢你们让我们又重温了一次儿时的回忆 已经玩过的大神就不用评论了,这个只是给新手看的 ---华丽而不失尊敬的分割线--- ①魔法门678整合版是魔法门8为基础,整合了6代和7代。通过特定的传送门,玩家可以在3个世界之间穿梭。 ②整合版历经了多次更新,最新的版本可以在本贴吧置...
新年mod来了 《魔法门世界 英雄无敌GG 版》 新的主线剧情,新的设定,新的神器和神器套装,又可以开始新的冒险了。(里附作者写的MOD制作教程) 世界还是那个世界,却又新的冒险在等你!魔法门是一个庞大的世界,新做了一些剧情,改了一些设定,做了一些合乎逻辑的,增加趣味性的尝试: 新增剧情:--- 剧情一、游戏中会...
新年mod来了 《魔法门世界 英雄无敌GG 版》 新的主线剧情,新的设定,新的神器和神器套装,又可以开始新的冒险了。(里附作者写的MOD制作教程) 世界还是那个世界,却又新的冒险在等你!魔法门是一个庞大的世界,新做了一些剧情,改了一些设定,做了一些合乎逻辑的,增加趣味性的尝试: 新增剧情:--- 剧情一、游戏中会...
MIGHT AND MAGIC - SWORD SWING MOD ver.1.41 01/02/2023 DESCRIPTION: A mod for Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 and Merge that adds melee animations for your party's characters. Despite the fact that the mod is very small, it, in my opinion, significantly improves the feeling of combat in ...
Location Games:Might and Magic VIII: Day of the Destroyer:Mods:Might and Magic VIII Redone:Files Filename Category Patch Uploader davidher123 Added Feb 27th, 2023 Size 413.16mb (433,231,189 bytes) Downloads 659 (2 today) ...