4.O TO TOWN(进入城镇):每次进行MIGHT AND MAGIC II游戏时,你的队伍是位于Cron大陆上五个城镇之一的旅店开始.而游戏磁盘中附上的 人物与新创造的人物都是位于第一号城镇,因此第一号城镇---Middlegate便是你开始 进行游戏的所在.如果以后到达了其他城镇,便可以由该城镇继续进行游戏.玩者可选 择下列功能: A.<...
they will state their price (in general, the higher the character's level, and the more valuable his/her equipment, the higher his/her price) and you can accept or decline to pay that price. I wouldn't bother too much with hirelings for now... they put a tremendous strain on your...