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Longitude103.90817° or 103° 54' 29" east Open Location Code6PH59WQ5+G7 OpenStreetMap IDway 117335018 OpenStreetMap Featureamenity=place_of_worship OpenStreetMap Featurebuilding=yesThis page is based on OpenStreetMap, Wikidata and Wikimedia Commons. We welcome ...
Latitude29,37496° ou 29° 22' 30" norte Longitude121,45698° ou 121° 27' 25" leste Open location code7QX39FF4+XQ OpenStreetMap IDnode 11771864785 Característica OpenStreetMapplace=localityEsta página é baseada no OpenStreetMap, Wikidata e Wikimedia Commons. Damos-...
International Websites Fronius International - English Fronius International - Deutsch Perfect Welding World of Welding Products & Services Product Catalogs Innovative Solutions Inside Fronius Contact Downloads The new Ignis Mobile stick welding machine Learn more Welding connects metals, industri...