I flashed another custom ROM and this time, while I was going to clean all and start fresh, I encountered an annoying problem. If I put my phone into Fastboot mode, and flash the latest and global ROM, MiFlash keeps saying: "error:FAILED (remote: "Check device console.") and it......
建议检查下是否已解BL,另外重新进入fastboot,更换线刷环境试试。 46. remote:check device console。这个错误怎么解决呢,手机是突然死机,开不了机,只能进fastboo 没找到相关资料。如果是老机型,或许可以网上找下9008刷机救砖 47. 红米7救砖9008第一次刷机显示灾难性故障(0x8000ffff Send configure command)怎么办,再...