Objective: To review the definition and scope of the practice of midwives in Sweden, Finland, the United Kingdom, the United States,and Australia to find models and make suggestions for reforms in the midwifery policies of China.Methods: This article reviewed the midwifery policies published by ...
To identify and explore processes midwives use to exercise their scope of practice whilst caring for women during normal birth.#Strauss and Corbin's (1998) grounded theory approach was used. Data were collected from 17 midwife participants using participant observation of women's labour and birth...
The role and scope of practice of midwives in humanitarian settings: A systematic review and content analysisMidwives, Task-shifting, Task-sharing, Humanitarian settings, Sexual and reproductive health, Disaster management cycle, Systematic review
The article discusses the revised version of the Nursing and Midwifery Council's Midwives rules and standards. The rule covering clinical trials is removed and the rule regarding the administration of medicine is now covered in standards under the scope of practice. Some rules have been retained, ...
Midwives as the Primary Care Providers: Knowledge, Attitude, Practice, and Skill of Early Detection of Cervical Cancer Using Visual Inspection with Acetic ... This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial 4.0 International LicBackground: Cervical cancer is the third most ...
They are characterised by lack of consistency in practice and standardisation of care. Within the overarching theme, four subthemes were identified: Falling through the gaps; Qualifications, skills and attitudes of health professionals; Caring for women who have sustained SPT; and Gold standard care:...
The meta-synthesis revealed that midwives recognised the importance of health behaviour change discussions, but did not prioritise these conversations, highlighting the need for midwives to be supported in clinical practice through the provision of behaviour change training. Introduction Unhealthy behaviours ...
Furthermore, there was limited scope for inclusion of a large number of belief items in this exploratory analysis, and future studies may identify additional salient beliefs relevant to understanding midwives’ practices in asking and advising about alcohol use during pregnancy. The importance of specif...
Midwives' and registered nurses' role and scope of practice in acute early pregnancy care in Australia can be categorized into 4 areas: physical care, psychosocial support, care coordination, and communication. Women's access to midwifery care at this time in pregnancy appears to be limited. ...
The survey asked closed questions about (A) length of time participants have worked as a midwife in the UK, level of seniority, which areas of the UK they have worked; (B) understanding of current practice regarding alcohol screening in pregnancy; (C) views on mandatory alcohol screening as...