This is within a collaborative, multi-professional community, taught and online. The course... Read more Admission requirements Exam Scores Important Dates IELTS 7+ Bachelor GPA 2+ UK applicants must be a qualified midwife, registered with the NMC in the UK. There must also be no ...
In their focus group research with midwives from Australia and the UK, they found that midwives felt they were unable to work with the same degree of autonomy in the traditional labour ward environment of an obstetric unit. They described feeling ‘watched’ and needing to conform to obstetric ...
We would ask that you do not delay your application, as we will respond to applications during the course of the next three weeks and will reserve the right to close the advert early. For more information and to apply online, please download the further details and click on the 'apply onl...
An address, introductory to a course of lectures: delivered in the hall of the Medical College of South-Carolina, before the trustees and faculty, the students of medicine, and the public generally, at the opening of the session of 1833–4. Charleston: Printed by J.S. Burges; 1833. Googl...
a Thames Valley University, 32–38 Uxbridge Road, Ealing, London WS 2BS, UK Fax: 0181 280 5137 Accepted 2 February 1998, Available online 31 August 2004Abstract Making use of best available evidence has clearly become an important part of midwifery practice. As educational programmes are preparin...
These are issues that are not only for the UK to be concerned with – in Australia we have important problems to address with regard to how maternity care is provided, how women are respected within particular models of care and, of course, with regard to rising caesarean section rates and...
undertaken to assess the impact of graduates' skills on nursing care and clinical outcomes. Method. Postal questionnaires were used to survey all graduates of post-registration Bachelor's and Master's courses in nursing and midwifery from one institution in the United Kingdom (UK) (n = 60). ...
Using the five senses of success framework to understand theexperiences of midwifery students enroled in an undergraduatedegree programM. Sidebotham,..
Publicly available pre-registration nursing and midwifery course programs in Australia as presented in the online course handbooks of 25 randomly selected educational institutions. Methods A LGBTQIA+ terminology matrix was developed to guide data extraction from subject titles, synopses, and learning outcome...
V|sualisingthebodyinart andmedicine:avisualart courseformedicalstudents atKing’sCollegeHospital in1999 KathyWeller Formanycenturiesscienceandarthavebeenstudiedascompletelyseparatedisciplines, andcareerpathslikewise,havediverged.However,inrecentyearstherehasbeena renewedculturalinterestinart/sciencecollaborations,coup...