Midwifery Scope of practice - When is a midwife not a midwife?Stewart, SarahAustralian Midwifery News
Midwifery group practice (MGP) has consistently demonstrated optimal health and wellbeing outcomes for childbearing women and their babies. In this model, women can form a relationship with a known midwife, improving both maternal and midwife satisfactio
In the United States, Nursing Practice Acts are laws in each state that are instrumental in defining thescope of nursing practice, and each nurse must practice according to the rules and regulations of the State Nursing Board. The International Council of Nurses has issued general guidelines for ...
Awareness of the importance of broader pharmacological knowledge often arose out of a process of reflection on their scope of practice, one of the core responsibilities of registered nurses and midwives (NMBI, 2014) and as a result of their prescribing practice. Maintaining a robust broad ...
doi:10.1016/S1526-9523(00)00083-0Tekoa KingJohn Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Journal of Midwifery & Womens HealthKing T. Clinical boundaries: what parameters determine a midwife's scope of practice? [editorial] J Midwifery Womens Health 2000;45(6):448-9....
The rapid advances and scope of the Human Genome Project bring into sharp focus the relevance of genetics and ethics for nursing and midwifery practice in the new millennium. This article offers a UK perspective on how education plays a crucial part in preparing practitioners to integrate clinical...
Social barriers: gender issues hindering execution of midwifery practice.2. Economic barriers: includes low salary, staff shortages, poor working conditions.3. Professional barriers: lack of acknowledgement of midwifery profession. Danhoundo et al., 2019 To understand the interactions between woman and ...
Promoting normal birthing: Aspiring to develop a midwife-led scope of practice - ScienceDirectdoi:10.1016/j.wombi.2017.08.063Gina KrugerWomen and Birth