Winter forecast for Midwest too close for experts to callRANDOLPH E. SCHMID
A winter storm behind Garnett could bring more snow, ice and heavy rain from the Midwest to the East early next week. Cities like Oklahoma City, Kansas City, Indianapolis, New York and Boston could see snow pile up again, while heavy rain and storms are possible across the South. Take a...
For example, by tomorrow (Friday) afternoon, eastern Nebraska will be in the mid-80s, while heavy snow and blizzard conditions will exist over the western part of the state. Only a few tens of miles will separate summer weather from winter weather across the Midwest and the southern Great L...
Warmer Winter Forecast for Midwest
Winter gives short-term challenges to Midwest, California grids, but milder weather forecastWinter weather striking across the Great Plains, the GreatLakes, and in central California Jan. 22 boosted power demandand prices, but load and temperature forecasts indicate softerdemand for the remainder of ...
Warm winter forecast gives hope to West and MidwestAssociated Press
Forecasters Predict Midwest in for Bone-Chilling Winter