The Late Night Tracks The Great War 4:00 Bigger Than The Whole Sky 3:38 High Infidelity 3:51 Would've, Could've, Should've 4:20 Dear Reader 3:45 You're Losing Me (From The Vault) 4:37 Snow On The Beach (Feat. More Lana Del Rey) 3:49 ...
#TaylorSwift[超话]# Midnights (The Late Night Edition) 午夜深夜时分版本封面壁纸饭制 ©️kubaswift
Taylor Swift的Midnights:The Late Night Edition,也就是巡演限定CD在国内平台上已出现盗版,请大家不要去🍑的山猫与黑胶LP购买午夜的巡演盘,他家是仿的很精致的盗版,盗版商现已在评论区开小号洗白刷屏,不要相信这个盗版商的话术。现在早已不是ifpi码能对上就是正版碟的时候了,盗版商早已破解并且能够仿码,必须要...
【Nena吉他教程】You're Losing Me - Taylor Swift(Midnights The Late Night Edition) 4581观看 0弹幕 趁着过年,大家应该都窝在家里没事干吧!如果身边有吉他,那拿起来练练是再好不过了。这次整理只花了三天时间,全球第一的新专辑就是比较好找资源(同时也是我目前的最爱)。所谓慢工出细活,那我这快工就出快...
🎁此外,Taylor还推出了实体限定版豪华专辑《Midnights (The Late Night Edition)》,其中收录了Vault曲目《You're losing me》。📀 🎉值得庆祝的是,2023年10月21日,《Midnights》正式迎来发行一周年。自发行以来,《Midnights》一直稳居Billboard专辑排行榜的前10名,展现了其无可匹敌的音乐魅力。🎊 🌟《Midnigh...
分享3赞 泰勒·斯威夫特吧 Lucky1213shine 『Swiftie』Midnights专辑歌词本 +19 21327 泰勒·斯威夫特吧 半城没有烟沙 『Swiftie』Midnights (The Late Night Edition)巡演独占CD现已发售 11414 音乐资源吧 还上班你是哪 泰勒新专《Midnights》网盘资源评论区取 分享433 billboard吧 cytotropism77 【Billboard】怎样...
midnight - 12 o'clock at night; the middle of the night; "young children should not be allowed to stay up until midnight" night, nighttime, dark - the time after sunset and before sunrise while it is dark outside time of day, hour - clock time; "the hour is getting late" Based ...
Taylor Swift’s ‘Midnights’ jumps back to number 1 on the Billboard 200 after the release of its 'Til Dawn' and 'Late Night' deluxe editions.
日版限定Midnights the late night edition🥹很后悔没再买张黑胶#泰勒斯威夫特 #东京巨蛋 #midnights #专辑开箱 - 欧香的老妈子于20240210发布在抖音,已经收获了1026个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!