Weaving Hazel’s Journey: A South of Midnight Documentary The feature, which is available towatch now on the Xbox YouTube channel, explores the world-building process behindSouth of Midnight, as well as the inspiration Compulsion has drawn from macabre folktales unique to regions of the American...
Weird Tales was the very first publisher I submitted to, years back, so this is an enormous honor for me. To finally be able to appear in an issue of this horror literature cornerstone, the very same publication that featured such greats as H.P Lovecraft, Edgar Allan Poe, and Ray Bradbu...
People tell tales of their loved ones visiting them. One friend told me she saw her mother standing in her bedroom, at the foot of the bed, the night after her mother died. Another saw her father in a cloud of cigarette smoke moving across her living room. Others see their loved ones ...
Dork Diaries:Tales from a Not So Fabulous Life by Rachel Renee Russell精装Aladdin Books蠢蛋日记:并不精彩的生活 ¥[1_7ij1w4tp#51#UlJSUl8OtwOSDm8LjQ/1DkYBTQw4DyYASAIoD6QcNg7aMqEAqAshD18zbzKUHUQyDgulM28OnQajDsAzYgTACFQJpgy1BJUI2g7nDiMyhg4IDlkGYwMcDBwI7xzPDBICczIU] The Book with No Pi...
Based on the Katherine Yates short story "Under the Hau Tree", first published in Weird Tales, 1925. Opening: "The woman was stringing scarlet wiliwili seeds into a barbaric necklace. The man was idly looking through a basket of unmounted photographic prints. The drooping branches of the Hau...
My stories, like the tales of most writers, started off terrible. It’s not something I’m ashamed of. In fact, sometimes I miss that era when an entire story could be encased in a single paragraph. Everything you needed to know was bound with a messy bow within five run-on sentences...
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Music Box (Blood On Blood) Candle (Beachy Waves) Meat Market Hulk: The Incredible Hulk #181 Iron Man: Tales of Suspense #39 Lessons In Leadership by Lt. Col. James Rhodes Iron Man Fanfic Anthology Growing Up With Trauma Passion In The Moonlight ...
A new interpretation of the traditional Japanese tales of the One-Inch Samurai. Tanaami and Aihara approach the tales with their characteristically dark senses of humour. The Dandelion Sister(Tanpopo no Ane, dir: Yusuke Sakamoto) A surreal little tale of a young girl who has a complicated relati...
Chris Woodyard is the author ofThe Victorian Book of the Dead,The Ghost Wore Black,The Headless Horror,The Face in the Window, and the 7-volumeHaunted Ohioseries. She is also the chronicler of the adventures of that amiable murderess Mrs Daffodil inA Spot of Bother: Four Macabre Tales. Th...