Midnight is the Darkest Hour - Ashley Winstead - Audiobook有声书mp3+电子书epub - October 3, 2023 http://t.cn/A6WAaXGm 亚马逊编辑推荐2023年10月最佳图书 Amazon Editors’ Pick - Best Books of October...
Reading Dan Gemeinhart is like taking a master class on writing amazing characters with unique and satisfying personalities and transformation。 I loved the way this book kept the tension high from beginning to end。 Ravani and Virginia won my heart。 It's great storytelling。 Reading Dan Gemei...
areabsolutelyterrified—ifnotbrutallymurdered—inthedeadofnight.DeanKoontz,thebestsellingmasterofsuspense,invitesyouintotheshockingworldofMoonlightCove—wherefourunlikelysurvivorsconfrontthedarkestrealmsofhumannature.HereistheultimatemasterpieceoffearbytheoneandonlyDeanKoontz "BLOOD-CHILLING…KOONTZPLOWSNEW,EVENMORE...