Although I had read the verse well over a hundred times, I had always missed its relevance for today and, in particular, our anticipation of Jesus’ imminent appearing. Perhaps it was because the words don’t directly relate to Bible prophecy that I overlooked their relevance to it. However,...
MIDNIGHTFLYER James Richard Howington Even in our sleep, pain which cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart until, in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom though the awful grace of God. Aeschylus
The bodies of animals were used in sacrifices as a prophetic witness foretelling the coming of the true Sacrifice for sin. The Redeemer had to be the Seed of the woman, Gen 3:15. He had to be sinless without blemish, 1Pe 2:19. His blood must be shed, Heb 9:22. He must bear th...
The Scriptures take a very high view of marriage fromthe very first book of the Bible (Gen. 2:22-24), to the last(Rev. 22:17). In the OT we see the concept of God as thehusband of His people (Isa. 54:4-6; Eze. 16:7-34; Hos.2:19). Twelve times in eighteen verses in ...
From that point on, God will fully restore Israel, and they will become the praise and glory among the na- tions of the world.What is fascinating to me is that in the midst of the judgment of Nineveh, God gives His prophet Nahum a vision of Israel's present situation.With verses 3-...
Bible--then we may say that this flying scroll demonstrates the testimony of redemption.However, the angel gives quite a different meaning to this flying scroll: "Then said he unto me, This is the curse that goeth forth over the face of the whole earth: for every one that stealeth shall...
Quite a number of great Bible scholars identify Alexander the Great as the destroyer of all the opposition in this case. He is the one who executed judgment upon the places named in the first two verses. This may be so, but above and beyond Alexander the Great or, for that matter, any...