To get such gems, Faith, whom experience has taught to trust NO man outside her family, must work with Owen Walker, an easy-going Southerner with an intimate knowledge of the ruby trade and mans murderous greed. Faith and Walker travel to Savannah to seek the help of the Montegeaus, ...
Midnight Bayou(2009) TV-14 TV Movie|91 min|Drama, Mystery, Romance Edit pageAdd to list Track Silver spoon Boston lawyer Declan Fitzpatrick fell in instant love with a Louisiana bayou 'haunted' estate when he drove by with college friends. Now he learns it's on sale and rushes to the ...
A powerful Georgia clan descended from pirates, the Montegeausare said to possess a staggering fortune in gems, hidden for generations in the legendary Blessing Chest. In the living shadows of historic Ruby Bayou. Faith and Walker are soon drawn into a terrifying web of corruption and betrayal...