I'd been meaning to watch Midnight in Paris for ages but, I have to confess, I was put off by the presence of Owen Wilson, who I could not really envisage as the lead in a Woody Allen film. He was actually surprisingly good though and did a decent job as the vessel from which Al...
在伍迪执导的影片《午夜巴黎》(Midnight in Paris)中,他以一个“美国游客”的视角,展现了巴黎的美轮美奂和文艺情怀。该片被誉为是他寄给巴黎的一封别致情书。 ← Gil夫妇同游巴黎 Gil坐午夜老爷车 → 影片中,男主角吉尔(Gil)与女主角伊内兹...
I am sure there are more than a few of the webizens of BonjourParis who wouldn’t mind traveling back in time to a certain era in the history of Paris.
写给巴黎的情书 出生在1935年的伍迪·艾伦是一个高产的导演、作家和卓有成绩的双簧管演奏师。他被誉为是“继卓别林后最杰出的喜剧天才”。他的作品常常以纽约和曼哈顿为背景,以死亡、性、道德、家庭为主题,有着浓郁的纽约知识分子气。对白往往以机智、幽默、细腻、伤感和神经质为特色。他的所有电影几乎都有类似的...
MidnightinParis Filmintroduction Whenwehadsawthemovie,theplotofthefilmwasjustlikethefollowingwritten:itisaboutanengagedcouplenamedGilandInezwhogotoParis,Francebecauseherfatherissettingupabusinessdealthere.GilandInez,wesoonlearnareverydifferentpeople.HeisastrugglingauthorwholovesthesightsandsoundsofParisandfindsitall...
Midnight in Paris (Woody Allen, 2011): la omisión del pasado como constituyente de la identidad urbana presentedoi:10.22530/ayc.2014.n5.218For a few years, the North American filmmaker Woody Allen is dedicating his films to different European cities. In the majority o...
Recensione in evidenza9/10 Midnight in Paris Woody Allen's love affair with France, which goes back decades, finds its finality with "Midnight in Paris," the latest of Allen's Parisian brochures, which recently opened at the Cannes Film Festival on Wednesday. The good news is that Allen see...
Martin Scorsese's Hugo and Woody Allen's Midnight in Paris are both largely set in a romanticised version of the French capital. 马丁•斯科塞斯的《雨果》、伍迪•艾伦的《午夜巴黎》都主要以浪漫版的法国首都巴黎为背景拍摄。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 4. Bruni at the Film Festival film "Midnight...
The film tells the story of a young man's love for Paris and the illusion that other people's lives are always better than their own. In 2012, Woody Allen won the Best Original Screenplay Award at the 84th Academy Award and the 69th Golden Globe Award for Best Writer.Allen Stewart ...
这篇影评可能有剧透 Midnight in ParisPage 1 beautiful Paris street.Page 4 a writer fantasizes Paris in the 20s, hanging out with the artists and writers. But his wife doesn't understand him at all.Page 5 the couple goes to meet the parents, who hates the French. During the dinner, they...