集数: 3(每集10分钟) 剧集宣传 编剧 Brian K. Millard 道具师 置景师 Stella DiFabio 简介 Wade, a socially awkward nerd with a gambling problem, and Chuck, a narcissistic sociopath and self-diagnosed sex addict, are lifelong best friends, each in the midst of a midlife crisis. Their friendship...
To some midlifers, less is more.(The Orange County Register)Haas, Jane Glenn
The continued use of the term “midlifecrisis” by the mediafails the test of scientific merit, as shown by decades of research onpersonality, well-being, health, and relationships in the decades of the 40s and 50s. People become unhappy between 35 and 60, according to thi...
Wade, a socially awkward nerd with a gambling problem, and Chuck, a narcissistic sociopath and self-diagnosed sex addict, are lifelong best friends, each in the midst of a midlife crisis. Their friendship is put to the test when Chuck gets dumped and invites himself to move into Wade's on...
midlife. D.P. McAdams had also focused on generativity, concern and commitment for future generations and Personality and Personal Growth in the Working Midlifers .iosrjournals 70 | Page developed a new model that draws on Erikson’s theory, but makes significant departures from it. Rather ...
Wade, a socially awkward nerd with a gambling problem, and Chuck, a narcissistic sociopath and self-diagnosed sex addict, are lifelong best friends, each in the midst of a midlife crisis. Their friendship is put to the test when Chuck gets dumped and invites himself to move into Wade's on...
The Midlifers 电视剧 / 喜剧 / 奇幻 / 爱情 Brian K. Millard /Jeanette Fitzpatrick /Kevin C. Carr 首播/ 10分钟 看过 简介 Wade, a socially awkward nerd with a gambling problem, and Chuck, a narcissistic sociopath and self-diagnosed sex addict, are lifelong best friends, each in the midst...
Interestingly, women with hypertension were more likely to be homozygous for the A allele (AA) compared to control cases. We concluded that rs700518 polymorphism in CYP19A1 gene is associated with hypertension in midlife women.Shabnam Hemmati-MazraehFaegheh SadeghiMajid Farshdousti-Hagh...
Ad agency with focus on over-50s opens in U.K. As Madonna, Prince hit Decade Six, TGI50 aims to celebrate midlifers.(News)(advertising)Hall, Emma
Objectives: This cross-sectional study investigates associations between the FTO rs 17817449 genetic variant, liver enzymes, and hypertension in Slovak midlife women. Methods: We assessed 576 Slovak women aged 39 to 65 years. The women were interviewed and examined during their medical examination at...