When there is too much stress, we need to look at all the positive aspects in our life, which can give a ray of hope. I know it is not easy- but It is important, if you don't look at your future in a positive way then it becomes impossible to handle difficult situations. Think...
Hanson reminds people that a midlife "crisis" may not always be a crisis, but rather, an opportunity to look inward, reflect, and begin a healing journey. "This transition can be overwhelming and difficult at times not only for the person going through it, but also for the people in thei...
Free international community where we give and get inspiration and support in our Midlife-Chance (midlife crisis). We support you in your life crisis and help you to make the changes, and you are welcome to support other members in their crisis too. Each
This table encapsulates the multifaceted aspects of personal growth and reflection during a midlife crisis. While “crisis” often conveys challenges, it’s equally important to highlight the potential for positive transformation and self-discovery that can emerge from this introspective journey. Embracing...
So, if you have come across the stages of midlife crisis affairs, here is a little insight into the different ways a midlife crisis affects a marriage, how to deal with a midlife crisis and overcome the middle-age relationship problems. ...
person is related to better adherence to social norms, self-control, cooperation, respecting authority, and the social desire to give off a positive impression73. Additionally, being more of a morning person may sometimes require overriding one’s natural sleep-wake cycle to conform to prevailing ...
If you’re having a midlife crisis, in a midlife funk about your career, empty nest, retirement, getting older or self-care, you're probably not a happy camper these days. I get it. I've been there too! I remember what it was like to feel stuck and confused about how to be happi...
Increased attention to the understanding of middle adulthood over the past three decades through researches has portrayed midlife in two juxtaposed frameworks: Midlife as a time of "crisis" and Midlife as the "p...
It is obvious that the midlife can bring far too many “unlived” aspects of your life to the fore - hence the panic and angst that are frequently associated with midlife crisis. The creative aspect of Divine Discontent comes most alive at the threshold of midlife, and thence periodically thr...
One of the most remarkable aspects of Verso Cell Being is its ability to address the root causes of aging and cellular decline. As we age, our cells are subjected to oxidative stress, inflammation, and other forms of damage that can impair their function and accelerate the aging process. Ver...