Midlife Crisis: Midlife crisis refers to a supposed event that occurs approximately midway through one's life. This can in theory involve problems coping with one's aging, as well as various accommodations or responses that the individual makes. Answer an...
“I’m living proof it only takes ONE to heal a marriage” –Marriage Expert & AuthorLarry Bilotta The 5 Rules of a Chaos Kid WhenChaos Kids enter a midlife crisis,they have nothing to give. They only take during this time. It’s as if they are a teenager again. The midlife crisis...
Maybe you’re in a midlife slump. Maybe you’re unhappy in your job and marriage. Maybe you’re inactive and overweight. Maybe you’ve tried to change your life before but can’t seem to make the changes stick. What do you need to do to finally turn things around? My guest would ...
On the surface, this may appear to be a mid-life crisis. I am officially a cliche. Ewwww! And another funny thing about this is that I’ve been jumping back in forth in time and, in telling the story of my failed marriage, I haven’t even gotten to the part about my fortieth ...
A mid-life crisis tends to be an emotional response to any or all of a multitude of stresses. This could include an unhappy marriage, disappointment in our jobs, and financial woes. Based on discussions with others who've had mid-life crises, and research I've conducted, here's what peo...