Jobs to consider for a midlife career change Here are eight careers that midlife professionals may want to consider when looking for a fulfilling career change: Teacher: Becoming a teacher can be uniquely rewarding. You get to channel your wisdom and experience to instruct and support others. Mar...
Finding success at midlife and other observations having to do with relationships, health and fitness, faith, finances, career, personal growth and humor.
Midlife or middle age is that transitional period of life between young adulthood and old age. Middle-aged people often undergo significant changes in their relationships, jobs, and health and their appearance. Contents What Is Midlife? Does Everyone Have a Midlife Crisis?
Roles in the workplace shifted from the gender-stereotyped fields of teaching and nursing and extended into jobs with masculine traits such as finance, law, and engineering. Current empirical research fails to fully address the career development of midlife women. The purpose of this study was to...
My summer jobs consisted of camp counselor, retail employee, and office worker. Not enjoyable, but also not hard. My oldest has been chopping wood, pulling weeds, and cutting grass in the blazing hot sun and oppressive humidity as a landscaper’s assistant this summer. It sucks, but it’s...
"You might have had children who are still financially reliant on you, been through career change, experienced divorce, had an inheritance, fallen into debt or built up savings. It's a good idea to check that your finances can support what you plan to do in the next few decades, to ...
In addition, they were less satisfied with their lives and wanted to change their way of life (by getting married). They also felt lonely in their social interactions and had lower self-confidence and self-esteem. In Malaysia, never-married women are addressed as “Andartu”, meaning an ...
\\ a. Studies show that in many occupations older workers perform well at jobs requiring both speed and skill. b. Ageism can oppress both the younger worker as wellHow one deals with the inevitable slow declines of adulthood strongly influences that ad...
Home is our refuge from work, our earthly reward for jobs properly done, our container of collections and comfort, and our humble haven for our hearts. Work is an intrusion we’ve allowed inside only in extremely rare circumstances. In this new era, our ongoing worldwide catastrophe, ...
I don’t have to tell you about the summer attempts to grab every last sweet bit of family time (tricky, since D#1 worked three jobs and had an active social life), the nest-spoiling moments (thankfully there were few of them), or the obligatory online, yet still overwhelming, visits...