Advanced prompt: /imagine [prompt A koala eating mango in the Sahara desert in the style of Picasso] Formula /imagine [prompt koala eating mango in the Sahara desert in the style of Picasso, fragmented shapes, bold colors, -ar 1:1] Qu...
- 如果未指定种子,Midjourney 将使用随机生成的种子数,每次使用提示时会产生各种不同的选项。 prompt example:/imagine promptceladon owl pitcher不加种子,运行三次: prompt example:/imagine promptceladon owl pitcher --seed 123加了种子123,运行三次,可以看到每次生成的结果几乎是一样的: 查找作业的种子数(How ...
良心总结Midjourney prompt生成图片的实例教程,真正做到开箱即用,真正做到零基础,只要你可以魔法上网就行。网上的教程太复杂没关系,本文用近百个案例剖析prompt语法,手把手教你生成不同风格的图片。案例参考 …
Realistic and stylized/anime prompt examples Send it to me Kev Kev is a designer and engineer. He has worked for IBM, HTC and Angelist. He lives in New York.4 thoughts on “How to use Negative Prompts in Midjourney (with Examples)” Sorin Gociu 9 Jul, 2023 at 8:00 pm wheigt can...
(2)并列关键词示例 - Permutation Prompt Examples ① Prompt 关键词并列文本变体 | Prompt 关键词/imagine prompta naturalist illustration of a {pineapple, blueberry, rambutan, banana} bird将创建并处理 4 组图像:② Prompt 关键词并列参数变体 | Prompt 关键词/imagine prompta naturalist illustration of a...
Gather inspiration from these prompt examples. Some are examples that have been used in Midjourney already, so we can show you the exact output the user received. Others are samples you can use or adjust to fit your needs. /imagine colorful minimalist logo white background letter “s” Sourc...
要使用此模型,请将 --v 5 参数添加到 prompt 关键词末尾,或使用 /settings 命令并选择 5️⃣ MJ Version 5。该模型具有非常高的一致性,擅长解释自然语言 Prompt 关键词,分辨率也更高,并且支持高级功能,例如使用 --tile 纹理平铺模式。备注:一致性是指文本 prompt 关键词和生成图像之间的关联程度。高度的...
1. MidJourney Prompt Generator from Hugging Face This is an unofficial MidJourney prompt builder built using the GPT-2 language model which has been trained with the MidJourney Prompts Dataset. This dataset contains more than 250k text prompts that have been supplied to the text to image servic...
How to use Midjourney: Advanced tips and examples Midjourney prompts have a Parameter feature that fine-tunes your prompt with abbreviations and numbers, rather than explain in words. Not only does it shorten the prompt for clarity, but also communicates difficult concepts to AI. Midjourney ha...
3. 提示信息(prompt information): 提供有针对性的提示信息,以便模型更好地理解任务和生成高质量的文本。 4. 示例(examples):提供一些示例来帮助模型更好地理解任务和期望的文本生成。 3,chatGPT提问公式 角色身份+上下文背景信息+目标和动机,得到更具有针对性的解决方案、 ...