A well-crafted prompt can help make unique and exciting images. 中文翻译为: 提示词Prompt是这样一个简短的文本表述语句,Midjourney机器人将其转译来生成一个图像。Midjourney机器人将提示词中的单词和短语分解成更小的片段,称之为令牌,而这些令牌可以与Midjourney训练数据进行比较,然后用来生成图像。一个精心设计...
If you want to use your images with multiple prompts, click the lock icon to keep your images pinned to the Imagine bar. Image Reference Types: Image Prompt (default) Style Reference Character Reference Midjourney uses Image Prompts and references as inspiration to guide new creations, not to ...
All prompts generated in a direct chat with the bot are posted on Midjourney’s server. Depending on your subscription, you can set up the bot to create “private” results. That’s the best option toensure other people don’t copy your images before they’re public– in case you plan ...
it takes some time to get used to. As time passes, you gain more experience using this AI-powered tool and can write super cool prompts and create beautiful images. Just make sure you put effort and time into practicing; everything will make sense to you, and you’ll learn way more th...
0 0 04:05 App 10-LOST your MidJourney Images! Here's how to recover them! 0 0 53:49 App 06-MidJourney Tutorial- Building the PERFECT AI Image Prompt - Master Class Part 0 0 11:20 App 05-Tools to help you write TOP-TIER AI Image Prompts & MidJourney Tutorial Maste ...
第1步:选择提示模板 构建Midjourney提示的方法有无数种,您需要找到一种 ChatGPT 可以使用的结构。对于...
Midjourney here on Nerdschalk. All of the guides we’ve listed here have been well explained with a handful of prompts that we used to generate a bunch of images. So you can use them on your own Midjourney account or modify them with ideas of your own to create the images that you ...
10-LOST your MidJourney Images! Here's how to recover them! 04:05 11-Making Posters with AI Art! 12:13 12-MidJourney V5 is HERE! Proper Hands & MIND-BLOWING detail! 17:02 13-This new MidJourney feature reveals ALL Prompt SECRETS! -describe explained & 26:21 14-Train Cha...
Very short prompts will rely heavily on Midjourney’s default style, so a more descriptive prompt is better for a unique look. However, super-long prompts aren’t always better. Concentrate on the main concepts you want to create. 但你会发现,好像中文社区分享的 prompt 都非常长,但只要各位...
from textual descriptions.Users put in some key words,and the AI develops an image according to that description.You need to know how to use Midjourney if you want to create some of the most exciting AI art.Midjourney lets users create anything they can imagine from just text prompts(提示...