Explore how AI tools like Midjourney can revolutionize your creative process. Learn best practices, trends, and tips to unlock new possibilities in branding, advertising, and personal projects.
Journey is an AI art generator letting anyone create images from text prompts. Accessible via Discord, it produces highly detailed digital art, logos, landscapes, portraits, patterns, anime, and more. Journey discontinued its free trial but offers paid s
生成思路:一个丙烯插画风格的抬头微笑的可爱女孩,有荧光色系的未来感,2d 和 3d 的结合,色彩角度不常规。 生成咒语:acrylic painting,illustration, futurism, NFT art, Fluorescent color, Laser color, A cute girl who looks up and smiles, Combination of 2d and 3d, solid color background, cel shading, ...
Explore the art of AI-powered image generation with Midjourney. Learn to create unique and captivating visuals for various purposes, from social media posts to commercial designs...…Read More 5Free Courses 12,798Learners 1,470Certificates & Diplomas Earned Most...
InstantArt InstantArt offers a unique service by hosting over 25 powerful AI models that allow users to generate AI-generated images almost instantly. While it’s not specifically a text-to-image model, it does include top-performing models like Midjourney V4, Stable Diffusion, Anything V3, Syn...
生成咒语:[16-bit pixel art]:: 10, illustration, cozy cafe, china, --ar 3:4 不过,从结果上看 Midjourney 目前并不能创建真正的像素艺术,因为用 Midjourney 你无法获得纯净的矢量图像,知识将 Midjourney 图像“像素化”的像素艺术。 结语 好了,人物篇就暂时写到这里了,生成一张满意的人物类型的图片我们...
Midjourney for Beginners: AI Art Generator 总共1.5 小时更新日期 2024年5月 评分:4.6,满分 5 分4.65,165 当前价格US$44.99 Midjourney : Beginner to Pro Masterclass 总共1.5 小时更新日期 2023年3月 评分:4.4,满分 5 分4.4281 当前价格US$19.99 Midjourney Masterclass: Unlock Your Artistic Potential 总共...
比如银线刺绣,在布料上点点星光;还有用树桩雕刻出来的动物,真的太惊艳了。抽象艺术中纯粹的视觉体验更是直接戳中我的灵魂。这些通过MidjourneyAI生成的艺术风格,将像一股暴风卷起你的创作欲望,让你的想象力再次翱翔天际! 1. 天真艺术(Naïve Art) 一种风格简约,表现手法如同孩子般直接的艺术流派。常使用鲜明的色...
Enter other Midjourney or AI art-related servers by clicking theexplore public serversbutton on Discord’s left sidebar. Now that you’re in a channel, start prompting bysending a direct message to the Midjourney Bot. To find it, check the channel users’ list on the right side – the ...
"爱站数据""Chinaz数据"进入;以目前的网站数据参考,建议大家请以爱站数据为准,更多网站价值评估因素如:Free Midjourney AI Art Generator的访问速度、搜索引擎收录以及索引量、用户体验等;当然要评估一个站的价值,最主要还是需要根据您自身的需求以及需要,一些确切的数据则需要找Free Midjourney AI Art Generator的...